




  • “There is no recipe to follow in life. We all make our own cakes and eat them too. What cake are you making?”

We all know the old saying of “misery loves company”, well I take the approach that joy loves company, too!

Have you ever noticed that when you are miserable, more misery seems to head your way. You sleep through your alarm (kicking off a bad mood), then stub your toe on the way to the bathroom (adding to the angst). You spill coffee on your dress (can this morning get any worse?). Then the car won’t start (of course!)

We have thousands upon thousands of thoughts each day. A large portion of these thoughts and the inner dialogue that comes with them, are negative questions about ourselves. These unhelpful thoughts cause the misery to keep piling up. Do any of these sound familiar?

“Why is this happening to me?”

“What is wrong with me?”

“Why am I so miserable?”

“Who the Fu*k am I?”

So, what if by simply changing your habit of thought, you could turn this gathering of miserable occurrences in to a cascade of joy? What would you life look like then?

I am here to tell you that through learning to Wholeheartedly Heal Yourself by modifying the narrative & questions that you play on repeat in your mind, you can absolutely change your life. No matter the circumstances you are in, it is 100% possible to live the life you desire. I am proof of that!

I will also tell you that is takes work, inner work, on your part. There is no “pill” or “magic wand” that will “fix” what’s going on. It is a Wholehearted desire to make your life the way you want it to be. To Heal, from the mind down. To become the You of your dreams.



  • Wholeheartedly

    It all starts by learning how to focus on what you want. Discovering what is a whole-hearted “YES!” for you. Your WHY!

  • HEAL

    Next, you’ll reflect on what may be blocking you, and learn how to overcome these obstacles to heal your mind, body and soul.


    Discovering who you truly are & empowering yourself to become your own best friend and advocate.